Trip Extension Overview

Spend three days exploring the beautiful Cotopaxi Volcano region. You’ll begin with horseback riding from Hacienda Tilipulo, a family run villa with an incredible horse farm. Boasting views of majestic volcanos, this horseback ride will not disappoint. During this tour, you will spend the night in historic haciendas, see Incan ruins, and hike in the famed Cotopaxi National Park. After two active days, you’ll relax at a cozy hacienda complete with serene views, delicious food, crackling fireplaces and a spa to help you truly unwind from the hustle and bustle of your busy Ecuador tour.

Trip Features
  • 3 Days
  • $995
    Horseback Riding, Hiking
    Cotopaxi Volcano, Unique Haciendas

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Trip Extension Itinerary

Iconic Cotopaxi

Three-day Ecuador tour exploring Cotopaxi Volcano, featuring horseback riding, historic haciendas, and relaxation.


After breakfast, we drive to the ancient farmlands of Hacienda Tilipulo, located in an inter-Andean valley surrounded by native vegetation and astounding views of the nearby volcanoes. The horseback riding* adventure begins with a departure towards the western cordillera bound to the highlands of Atapulo where we will be able to observe small farmlands called chacras, adobe houses, llamas, sheep and other livestock. The indigenous way of life, the occasional view of volcanoes Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Illiniza, Chimborazo and Altar will accompany you throughout this journey along spectacular trails and country roads. After the horseback ride, take a quick ride to Hacienda San Agustin de Callo. Here, enjoy a canelazo, a warm local specialty drink while you marvel at the Incan walls set in the hacienda. You’ll get an up close look at llamas and alpacas before retiring for the night at historic Hacienda Cienega, just a few minutes’ drive away. If you wish, you can choose to upgrade your accommodations to San Augustin de Callo. (L, D)
*Not interested in horseback riding? We can swap this activity for mountain biking or hiking. Advance notice required.

A nature lover’s paradise, Cotopaxi National Park is an ecological sanctuary of 88,920 acres, exhibiting the striking treeless vegetation of the Andean moorlands, or paramo. It is also home to the highest active volcano in the world.  After breakfast, head into the park viewing the spectacular high plains that surround 19,347-foot Cotopaxi.  Stop at Limpiopungo Glacier Lake, located at the base of  Rumiñahui Volcano. Limpiopungo is home to abundant highland waterfowl including gulls, ducks, and falcons. Keep your eyes peeled for llamas, wild horses, deer, hares, and if you are extremely lucky, the endangered Andean Condor. You’ll learn about the endemic paramo landscape, the unique tropical tundra endemic to the high northern Andes. Our path continues to the foothills of Rumiñahui and past several other small lakes and rivers. As we hike, we take in magnificent views of Cotopaxi’s massive, glaciated cone, looming over the high plain directly across from Rumiñahui.. After the hike, enjoy a delicious lunch followed by a visit the Pucara Inca ruins. 
Tonight, enjoy your second hacienda stay, this time at the lovely Hacienda El Porvenir.  This historic hacienda is set in an incredibly scenic spot with views of several volcanoes. The property maintains its traditional design and local building materials, adding to its remarkable character. This quiet mountain retreat offers a spa area, making this a perfect way to culminate your busy Cotopaxi area tour. Relax and unwind!  (B,L,D)

Optional Add On:
 El Porvenir Cooking Experience
After a busy day, you’ll be hungry! At Hacienda El Porvenir, you can enjoy a short but satisfying cooking demo of a few of the Ecuadorian Highlands tasty treats. You’ll learn how to make mini empanadas, aji, which is a local hot condiment adorning tables all over the country, and canelazo, a warm beverage meant to aid altitude adjustment. This is a great experience to learn a little about some local traditions and serve as a bit to eat before your dinner later this evening.

Most people are short on time and are not able to take advantage of these incredible haciendas that scatter the Ecuadorian countryside. Today you are free to relax and enjoy this beautiful place.  You may opt to arrange an optional activity with the hotel, read a book by the fire, or perhaps you’ll enjoy spa services. Enjoy a final lunch in the mountains before your guide picks you up and take you back to Quito. (B,L)

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