Hotel Patio Andaluz is an elegant boutique hotel located in the historical center of Quito. This Southern Exploration’s guest and staff favorite property is built in the colonial style typical of the end of the XVI Century and oozes with Ecuadorian charm. The hotel walls contain centuries of history and art, with large arches, and inner courtyards filled with light and colorful gardens. These unique spaces create a charm and cozy atmosphere for guests. The restaurant Rincón de Cantuña”, inside the main patio offers an excellent menu of Ecuadorian and international flavors. The hotel’s privileged location in the heart of colonial Quito is just a few blocks from the historical Plaza Grande, which is the main square also known as Independence square, and Plaza de San Francisco and the famed cathedral. The hotel is full of spaces to relax, enjoy a drink and admire all the decorative pieces, plants and architectural details that give personality and warmth to the hotel.


  • Excellent location in Quito’s historical center
  • Known for its friendly and attentive reception staff and concierge
  • Restaurant serves Ecuadorian and international cuisine
  • Great buffet breakfast
  • Wine cellar
  • Library
  • 100% non-smoking hotel
  • Laundry service is available


  • 32 guestrooms
  • 1 superior room with a view
  • 11 duplex rooms
  • 20 standard rooms
  • Cable TV
  • Wi-Fi
  • Air conditioning
  • Room service is available
4 Star
Hotel Countries
Room Service

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